The arrangement of the burial ground

On January 28th 2004 three students went to the Jewish graveyard to create a sketch of the burial ground:

The burial ground that is recognizable is possibly placed in the middle of the area of the graveyard. Eight graves are definitely recognizable; theier existence was mentioned in the technical literature in 1957: "From all funerals a total of eight marked tombs have been left, six of them have gravestones, two only a bordering. The stones were put up in the 1920’s and 1930’s, the names Kaufmann, Salomon, Cahn, Tobias and Sommer are still well known to old people from Zündorf." (StR Heinrich Schneider, in: KStA, 7.5.1957, S. 10).


We detected that all graves were created in order and rows. Four dead people were buried in a row (cf. upper row). A big grave possibly takes up the size of two single graves (2nd row), at times big graves are dimensioned a little smaller (4th row). Nevertheless, no certain arrangement exists in the rows. Because the graves are of different sizes, it was not possible to order them in a certain order or row. Further it is remarkable that bigger graves were found in the middle of the graveyard.

The photo of Dr. R. Rieger, Urbach, from the 50’s points out the location of the graveyard from the perspective of the sketch: