The synagogue in Mülheim and the special-synagogue municipality in Zündorf  
The Zündorf special-synagogue municipality arised from the one in Mülheim. Jews in Zündorf, as well as in Mülheim, owned a meeting house in the 18th century, which has been destroyed by a flooding in 1784. Therefore the Jewish community of the “Freiheit Mülheim” appealed to the elector to beg him for permission to build a new synagogue. According to a protocol, only three out of ten Jewish families were untroubled by the flooding. They put the aggrieved families up in their homes. The request for a new synagogue at first was declined. However, it was built five years after and inaugurated in 1789. The members of the community paid all the expenses. Since 1817, when the communities of Mülheim and Niederzündorf affiliated to the upper synagogue in Bonn, they conduct contributions to them annually.

On April 1st 1843 Cologne’s district president turned against the synonym church for the Jewish denomination. He didn’t want this inappropriate appellation to be found in any official bulletin, court order or print which were liable to censorship. Apart from that no governmental facilities influenced the Jewish community in the 1840‘s

A law about the relations of Jews on 7/23/1847 led to the development of the special-synagogue- community in Zündorf. All Jews in the area of Mülheim were to compose a single community, in which only nine members and three executives existed. The directorate was based in Mülheim, but Jews from Zündorf had tob e represented as well. Even so those communities were to bring up their expenses seperatly, like those for funerals or gravesites. On April 27th 1853 the district administrator of Mülheim handed his organizational plan over to the royal government of Cologne. He noticed that the number of Jewish citizens was 155 after the census of population. Government decided that, because there were communities in Mülheim and Zündorf, two special-communities were tob e founded. The participators of an assembly, in which businessman Andreas Salomon and butcher Cahn from Niederzündorf also took part announced that they wanted to take the Jewish community of cologne for their example on interior issues until they’d become independent and not aim for a coalition with the community of Deutz.
A few Jews didn’t agree on that. On July 3rd 1854 the modified statutes and regularities of the synagogue were handed over by the directory including a request for permission. The mandate to take part in a consultation about the regulations and statutes of the community of Mülheim was given to the businessman Andream Salomon and the butcher Cahn on February 9th 1848  

After the election for representatives on June 14th 1853 the district administrator applied for checking the results, because the elected Israelites were described to him as honorable and dependably men. Using a letter that was addressed to mayor Sternenberg of Urbach and mayor Busbach of Wahn the following Jews were accepted for the election: Lazarus Meyer, Abraham Wallach, Isaak Salomon, Jakob Tobias, Levi Cahen, Andreas Salomon, Aaron Meyer and Jakob Cahen. A by-election took place in the synagogue of Mülheim on February 1st 1860. The district administrator of Mülheim announced on May 4th 1861 that the directorate of the community consists of Cahen Meyer, Simon von Geldern and Lazarus Meyer. On May 18th 1864 a reelection for the three principles their substitutes and the new representatives took place. One of the newly elected representatives was Isaak Salomon and Abraham Wallach, who both gained 23 votes. For the directorate Isaak Salomon and Aaron Meyer, who also functioned as a substitute, were elected.